UNB Earth Sciences - Laser Ablation ICP-MS lab
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University of New Brunswick

Room 321, Forestry & Geology Building
2 Bailey Drive
NB E3B 5A3

UNB Earth Sciences - Laser Ablation ICP-MS lab

UNBEarthLA Homepage


  • in-situ U-Pb geochronology of zircon, monazite, titanite, apatite.
  • Automated ablation of large datasets
  • Trace element characterization of minerals and fused rock powders
  • 2-D trace element mapping of minerals
  • High-spatial resolution (2-3 um) linear or curvilnear linescans
  • Controlled liberation of fluid and melt inclusions
  • Offline definition of targets and ablation sequencing
  • Software coordination and overlay of optical, SEM, CL images
  • Import and registration of X-Y coordinates from other instruments
  • Trace element analysis of solutions

Mineral and glass standards

  • Temora and 91500 zircon
  • Thompson Mine and Trebilcock monazite
  • Khan Mine and Fish Canyon Tuff titanite
  • Phalabowra and Durango apatite
  • NIST 610 & 612
  • MPI-DING glasses
  • BCR-2G glass
  • Numerous sulfide standards

Please contact Dr. Chris McFarlane (506-458-7211; crmm@unb.ca) for more information on capabilities and access to the instrument. 

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